??Journey or destination??

Exploring life experiences at home and beyond – Destination Happiness

The Versatile Blogger Award


I was nominated for The Versatile Blogger Award by pinkbutterflies-blog.com and I thank her for that. I have been following her blog for a while. I think I discovered the blog from a link up. Pink butterflies’ posts are light-hearted reading (but still manage to encourage deeper thoughts) with a variety of topics (eg poetry, baking, child rearing), a style of blog I enjoy. As a parent of adult ‘children’ I enjoy reflecting on her posts of parenting, remembering that time of my life.

I had no idea what the Versatile Blogger Award was about so I turned to my special buddy that always knows the answer …GOOGLE J. Sure enough Google told me.

“When you consider nominating a fellow blogger for the Versatile Blogger Award, consider the quality of the writing, the uniqueness of the subjects covered, the level of love displayed in the words on the virtual page. Or, of course, the quality of the photographs and the level of love displayed in the taking of them.

Honor those bloggers who bring something special to your life whether every day or only now and then.”

As a ‘not for money’ blogger my blog really is just a collection of stories. Some are true from my life, some are fiction, there’s some poetry, attempts at photography and the real reason the blog started (before its meander haha) travel tales.

I read about blogging frequently and many of the articles tell me a successful blog writes in a single genre and writes to keep the readers. My blog couldn’t be further from this. I tell stories because I love doing that. I write my blog because I enjoy watching my stories come alive on the page. I don’t deny though, I get a real thrill when I see someone comment on my blog, and even more when they choose to follow it -that someone else gets enjoyment from my tales, someone else is prepared to share their ideas with me –  so excites me. I enjoy reading how others relate to my experiences.

The hardest will be for me to find 15 blogs. I’m fairly new to the scene in that, although I’ve been writing for a year, I’ve only just found how to locate blogs of others and many blogs I follow have been around a while and have all the awards.

How this Award works…


* Display the Award on your Blog.


   * Announce your win with a post and thank the Blogger who nominated you.

+* Present 15 deserving Bloggers with the Award.

* Link your nominees in the post and let them know of their nomination with a comment.

*Post 7 interesting things about yourself.


Here are 7 strange, oops interesting things about me that those who read my blog may have already gleaned J


1. I have just discovered the art of decluttering -much to the annoyance of my husband when he asks…”Where is the (Insert name of something I have no doubt already thrown out )”.

2. Cooking in my opinion is something to be done on an infrequent basis so as not to remove its allure.

3. Go figure this oddity – If a cooking gadget is available I owned it (well until the declutter) – but with the exception of a few only ever used once then they take up permanent residence in the gadget cupboard.

4. I take time choosing shoes to go with outfits when I go out and hate it when hosts ask me to remove them (unless it’s a cultural thing of course )- and just in case this happens I always have my toe nails painted all year round J

5. I could lose myself online for days if hunger didn’t fill me every two hours.

6. I think I’d be a meerkat if I were an animal. They stand up looking around as if always wanting to know what’s going on.

7. I have been known to catch a tram back and forth several times trying to get closest to the attraction so as to limit my walking (despite the fact I ended up walking much further stop to stop in changing trams)

I’m now nominating these blogs

In Harmony

Hopeful Rae of sunshine

This is who I am by Marleisa

My Home Truths

Five degrees of chaos

Six Little Hearts

Bluebird Cafe

Tune into Radio Carly

Freya writes

Essentially jess


Shambolic living


Author: Travelling Macs

A mum to 2 grown up children with young families of their own, who always make me proud. I'm a wife, grandmother,friend, sister, a recently retired teacher and a beginning ukulele player. I love eating great food but am becoming interested in cooking. Love traveling around this great country in which I live and worldwide more recently. Often found traveling with my husband Brian. I write for pleasure and if it's read (and enjoyed) by others then that's a bonus! 2014 saw me begin the 'new' me. Working hard at leaving the fear of 'what if' behind and replacing it with YOLO adventures. :) Covid lockdowns saw me renew my enjoyment of cooking and venture into the new - gardening. Once the world reopened I got back into exploring it.

14 thoughts on “The Versatile Blogger Award

  1. I love reading your blogs. I love that you weave humour into them, while allowing your readers to find out interesting things about you.
    Thank you for the nomination too! And now I have to live up to the honor.

  2. Well deserved and love your post. 🙂 xx

  3. Thanks so much for including me.

  4. Thanks for nominating me! I honored that you think enough of my blog to include me in the list!

    Oh, and about the rule of writing a single genre – I shattered that one to pieces, too! It must look like someone with multiple personalities writes on my blog! (As far as I know I just have one personality, it’s just an odd one :))

    I had to laugh at the decluttering and kitchen gadgets. I have acquired quite the collection of gadgets, but stopped short at the quesadilla maker…I’ve used a pan for years, so I think I can live without it. I still have too much stuff, but am trying to pare down, especially after seeing the cluttering tendencies of my grandparents and parents. Scary!

    • There’s a quesadilla maker?? Arghh I must go shopping haha !! I personally enjoy the blogs where the pst content will be a complete surprise each time. It was when I chose my list of nominees I realised that’s exactly what they all contained.;)

  5. Congratulations on the nomination. You deserve it for your thoughtful and entertaining insight into your life. 👏

  6. As you know I love reading your blog. I too enjoy the versatility of your writing.

  7. Like many others I enjoy reading your blogs and I checked out some your nominated blogs and found some interesting reading! I particularly loved your 7 interesting things!!!! Do you recall taking a taxi to cover the shortest possible distance at the Races a few years back???? Anything to avoid walking!!! Congratulations on your nomination? xx

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